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Collagen is a major component of your skin. It plays a role in strengthening skin, as well as in elasticity and hydration. As you age, your body producs less collagen, leading to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles (5 Trusted Source). However, serveral studies have shown that collage peptides or supplements.


Moringa oleifera is a plant that has been praised for its health benefits for thousands of years. It is very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds. So far, scientist have only investigated a fraction of the many reputed health benefits


Grape seed extract (GSE) is a deitaru supplement made by removing, drying, and pulverizing the bitter-tasting seeds of grapes. Grape seeds are rich in antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexed. Due to its high antioxidant content, GSE can help prevent disease.


Mangosteen - has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties boost the immune system. Alpha-Mangostin - Exhibits antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antitumor activities. Beta-Mangostin - improves mood and relieves stress Gamma-Mangostin - Has the most powerful antioxidant property. It can reduce swelling.


Vitamin E exists naturally in certain foods, including seeds, nuts, some fortified products. You can also take it as a dietary supplement. It plays many roles in your body. It's perhaps best know for its antioxidant effects, protecting your cells from oxidative damage by neutralizing signalin.


Many people praise it for its health benefits, including antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, improved skin and oral health, and weight loss potential. Here are 10 evidence-based health benefits of cocnut oil, plus some special considerations to keep in mind if you want to include it in your diet


Omega-3 fish oil contains both docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are important in preventing and managing heart diseaase


Gluthathione is an antioxidant produced in cells. It's comprised largely of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. Gluthathione levels in the body may be reduced by a number of factors, includiing poor nutrition, enviromental toxins, and stress. Its levels also decline with age.